Implementing CICD pipeline using GitOps with ArgoCD, Jenkins, Kubernetes, SpringBoot web application

Implementing CICD pipeline using GitOps with ArgoCD, Jenkins, Kubernetes, SpringBoot web application

DevOps Blog: 1


3 min read

Hello Everyone,

I can explain the process of setting up a CI/CD pipeline using GitOps with ArgoCD, Jenkins, Kubernetes, and a Spring Boot web application project. Here are the steps involved:

  • Prerequisites:

    • Ensure you have a Kubernetes cluster up and running.

    • Install and configure Git, ArgoCD, Jenkins, and Docker on your development machine.

  • Set up the Git repository:

    • Create a Git repository to store your Spring Boot web application code.

    • Push your Spring Boot web application code to the repository.

  • Containerize the Spring Boot application:

    • Write the necessary instructions to build a Docker image for your Spring Boot application.

    • Build and push the Docker image to a container registry like Docker Hub or AWS ECR.

  • Set up ArgoCD:

    • Install ArgoCD on your Kubernetes cluster by following the official documentation.

    • Connect ArgoCD to your Git repository by adding it as a source.

    • Configure ArgoCD to monitor changes in the Git repository and automatically sync the application to the Kubernetes cluster.

  • Configure Jenkins:

    • Install Jenkins on your development machine or a separate server.
  • Set up Jenkins credentials for accessing the Git repository and container registry.

  • Create a Jenkins pipeline or job that will trigger the CI/CD process.

  • Jenkins CI/CD pipeline:

    • Set up the Jenkins pipeline to listen for changes in the Git repository.

    • When changes are detected, Jenkins will start the pipeline and perform the following steps:

    • Clone the Git repository and fetch the latest code.

    • Build the Spring Boot application using Maven or Gradle.

    • Run tests to ensure code quality.

    • Build the Docker image using the Dockerfile.

    • Push the Docker image to the container registry.

    • Update the Kubernetes manifests with the new image tag.

    • Commit and push the updated Kubernetes manifests to the Git repository.

    • Trigger a sync in ArgoCD to deploy the updated application to the Kubernetes cluster.

  • Deployment with ArgoCD:

    • ArgoCD will receive the Git push event and detect the changes in the Kubernetes manifests.

    • ArgoCD will automatically sync the application in the Kubernetes cluster with the updated manifests.

    • The Spring Boot application will be deployed and updated with the new Docker image.

  • Monitoring and Scaling:

    • Set up monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana to monitor the health and performance of your application.

    • Configure autoscaling based on metrics such as CPU and memory usage.

This setup allows you to achieve a GitOps workflow, where all changes to the infrastructure and application are driven by Git commits. Developers push code changes to the Git repository, triggering the CI/CD pipeline in Jenkins. Jenkins builds and tests the application, creates a Docker image, and updates the Kubernetes manifests. ArgoCD automatically deploys and syncs the application with the changes, ensuring continuous delivery.

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